Wednesday 10 September 2008

James Yorkston, When The Haar Rolls In

By the time the simple, rolling acoustic guitar of the title cartroad of this, the fourth album by Yorkston, kicks in, you're feeling far away from home. Instruments gently creaking in the manner of rotting ships moored perpetually in entertain. Deep in the galley lies Yorkston, singing of, ''salty tongues like lounge singers''.

Accordions, flutes and the somber warmness of the steam from a mug of camellia sinensis, while sat in a deserted caf� in a Scottish port town seems to be Yorkston's comfort zone, and When The Haar Rolls In is a folkish testament to towns, people and houses where time not so much stands still, merely merely seeps away unnoticed.

The groggy, hungover feel of this platter is concomitant with Yorkston's voice: a resonant aaron Burr that will bear inevitable comparisons with Nick Drake, but actually has far more of a experient baritone experience that speaks of one too many late nox cigarettes on the night bus.

Occasionally the spume from the harbor gets in your eyes such as in the more incendiary harmonies of Midnight Feast, a data track written by the late British folk singer, Lal Waterson. Here a monotone, hypnotic pulse builds up to a climax hinting at something entirely more rambunctious: advent across like an anarchical sea-shanty as Yorkston asks us to, ''come 1 step closer or stay away''.

While inactive best-known as a member of the 'Fence Collective' - too a stable for KT Tunstall and The Beta Band - When the Haar Rolls In, patch cloaked in clarinets and violas, is going to be best remembered for Yorkston's hit voice. It's one of the almost memorable in British ethnic music music correct now.

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